Meals of Hope Feeds the Hungry in America

Hunger is on the Rise in America

America has an ever increasing hunger crisis. According to a report in The New York Times, millions of Americans had their food budgets cut, some by hundreds of dollars a month. The cuts were driven by the expiration of additional COVID-era benefits to the SNAP program, when an untold number of Americans were out of work. And, as The New York Times noted, the cuts couldn’t come at a worse time, as grocery store prices increased with inflation by an estimated 10% over the past year.

“It amounts to a one-two punch,” The New York Times wrote. “The country’s neediest have less aid to pay for food, as it’s getting more expensive. The big question is – what happens now? Some experts have warned that the country is approaching a ‘hunger cliff’ with the number of Americans going hungry likely to spike this spring. To buy food, families may have to use money that would otherwise have gone to rent, medication, or other bills – and fall behind on those payments.”

Indeed, 18 states have already implemented the SNAP benefit cuts, which resulted in a steeper rise in food insecurity than other states that kept the benefits. If prices at the grocery store continue to increase, so too will the real value of food stamps. Amid all these issues, The New York Times warns that more people than ever could fall into poverty. While issues at the federal government are largely beyond the control of the average American, there is a way to help. And that’s where Meals of Hope steps in, which has been fighting the hunger crisis in America since it was founded in early 2007.

family meal packing hungry in america

Feed the Hungry in America with Meals of Hope

Meals of Hope was founded as a 501(c)(3) non-profit to organize meal-packing events for those in need. Realizing the incredible extent of need for its services, Meals of Hope employed the franchise system in 2022 to better reach more communities across the U.S. Ever since, Meals of Hope has been able to rise up and meet the increasing demand in the fight against food insecurity.

Indeed, food insecurity has become a major problem in the United States in recent years, with millions of people struggling to put food on the table. The COVID-19 pandemic has only made things worse, with job losses and economic instability leading to an even greater need for food assistance. Meals of Hope has been able to make great strides in the fight against hunger by partnering with sponsors to host meal-packing events that can pack thousands – even millions – of nutritious meals in just a few hours. By working with local organizations, schools, and churches to distribute their meals, our services are making a real and lasting impact in the communities we serve.

“The pandemic has created a huge shift in the demand for food assistance,” Steve Popper, Meals of Hope CEO and Founder, said. “The number of Americans struggling with food insecurity is at an all-time high, and unfortunately, it’s only expected to get worse. At Meals of Hope, we are committed to making a real impact in the fight against food insecurity. We believe everyone deserves access to healthy, nutritious food, and we will continue to work tirelessly to make that a reality for as many people as possible.”

Franchise with Meals of Hope

Meals of Hope is a wise investment choice dedicated to making a difference in the world. If you’re interested in bringing a Meals of Hope franchise to your community, visit our research pages here or make a request for more information today!

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